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The anniversary of the outstanding person
An international scientific-practical conference devoted to 120 anniversary of the outstanding writer, a major public figure, philosopher and scientist Mukhtar Auezov was held at al-Farabi KazNU.
The conference was attended by Chairman of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan Nurlan Orazalin, President of the international Academy of literature and arts of Ukraine, public figure Sergei Dzyuba, Director of the Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov, academician of NAS RK Ualikhan Kalizhanov and Murat Auezov public figure, culture expert, candidate of philological Sciences.
The conference was held a presentation of the 114 books of the series “Onegeli Omir” dedicated to a writer, playwright, scientist Mukhtar Auezov, and announced new interesting facts about the life and work of the writer. Scientists have noted the impact of his work on the works of modern Kazakh literature.
Welcoming the participants, KazNU rector Mutanov Galym congratulated on such a significant and historically significant event, highly appreciated the heritage of Mukhtar Auezov, noting the diversity of his talent, the scale of creativity and contribution to the development of domestic and world culture and literature.
The Chairman of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan, member of the Senate of Parliament of RK Nurlan Orazalin devoted his speech to the history of the novel of M. O. Auezov "Likhaya godina". He described the main stages of work of the writer on this piece. Great attention was paid to the dramatic fate of the author, the assessment of the novel in the context of historical events of the time and from the standpoint of today.
Ualikhan Kalizhanov director of the Institute of literature and art named after M. O. Auezov figure out in his report versatility of the classic, therefore noted the talent of Mukhtar Auezov as a prose writer, playwright, essayist, and translator. According to the scientist, the writer "He left us a rich heritage, a storehouse of folk wisdom. His works still inspire and nurture national culture and literature".
The importance of the heritage of Mukhtar Auezov for the Ukrainian people revealed in his report, the President of the international Academy of literature and arts of Ukraine Sergei Dzyuba "the work of the famous Kazakh writer, translator and literary critic, famous public figure Muktar Auezov, who stood at the origins of modern Kazakh literature, it is well known in the Ukraine. Because his two-volume novel "Abai's Way" about the life of the great poet and enlightener Abai Kunanbayev were added to the Treasury of world literature. Now in many Ukrainian libraries stored five-volume edition of the works of Mukhtar Auezov published in 1980-e years". Speaking about the role of classics in the modern world, the researcher noted: "There is a beautiful Ukrainian word "budowniczy" which has no exact translation into Russian language. It is not a Builder in the usual sense, but a Creator. The great Abay and his spiritual disciple, the ascetic Mukhtar Auezov – great soul of the Kazakh nation, the conscience of the nation and its creators – "budowniczy"".
Closing remarks were made by well-known public figure, culture expert Murat Auezov. In his report he noted that Mukhtar Auezov – the flesh and blood of the Kazakh intelligentsia 20-30 years. Loyalty to the ideals of his youth, he carried through his life. And this is the key to understanding his versatility creativity.
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