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In October 2-6, 2017, a national workshop on repair and maintenance of scientific engineering equipment in universities, research institutes and small scale industries was held on the basis of the Al-Farabi Scientific Library within the framework of «EXPO-2017» (Energy of the Future), organized by the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO) in cooperation with the Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS) and Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
In September 2017 in Astana within the framework of the closing of the International exhibition «EXPO-2017» the OIC summit was held on the theme «Science, technology, innovations and modernization in the Islamic world», by results of which it was decided to continue developing science and technology in the Islamic countries in accordance with their scientific, innovation and infrastructural potentials.
To implement the tasks, ISESCO together with COMSATS and Al-Farabi KazNU organized a workshop aimed at developing the potential of scientific and technical personnel to work with scientific and educational equipment. Al-Farabi KazNU was chosen as a base for the workshop, because it is successfully cooperating with more than 400 leading universities and scientific centers from 46 countries of the world, and being the only member of the authoritative international intergovernmental organization «COMSATS» among the universities of the CIS countries.
The national workshop, with the participation of COMSATS international experts was attended by specialists in engineering and technical equipment of universities, research institutes and centers, not only in Almaty, but also in other regions of Kazakhstan.
During the technical trainings, the workshop participants gained additional knowledge on the repair, maintenance and use of the existing equipment for research and educational purposes in accredited laboratories and laboratories for collective use.
During the meeting the COMSATS managers and the Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU G.Mutanov reached an agreement on the development of new trends in the implementation of joint international scientific and educational projects, the development of interdisciplinary research in many areas such as information and communication technologies, nanotechnology and new materials, renewable energy, climate change and environmental protection, biotechnology, etc., and also the development of academic mobility of students.
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