Seminar on the theme «Methods of reading and examining of texts in Chagatay Language»
At the Faculty of Oriental Studies there is a scientific and practical seminar "Methods of reading and research of texts in the Chagatai language" dedicated to the 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Turkey.
This workshop is organized in the framework of celebration of 25 years anniversary of establishing diplomatic relation between Republic of Kazakhstan and Republic of Turkey and devoted to the issues of studying of rare manuscripts and publications in Chagatay language in the framework of article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to people «A View to The Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness».
Specialist on rare manuscripts, professor of Jumhuriet University (Turkey, Sivas) Mr. Bilal Yzhel is specially invited to Kazakhstan to hold the meeting. Professor Bilal Yzhel for a long time researched the manuscripts in Harezm, Kipchak, Chagatay and Old Anatoly, Osman languages, published scholarly works and scientific articles. His doctoral dissertation was devoted to text analysis, introduction into science and translation into modern Turkish language of Baburs «Divan».
During the first workshop devoted to above mentioned issues it is expected that famous native researchers of manuscripts like Maqsut Shafigy, Islam Zhemeney etc. will hold lectures and share with the results of their longstanding researches.