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Department of the Far East in the framework of the Japan Foundation grant of the program "Sakura Network" in 2017 held in the period from 09 to 28 October 2017 vocational guidance work in Kazakh schools.
Semey: "Grammar school № 6", "Economic Lyceum", "Average comprehensive school № 1 named after N. G. Chernyshevsky", Nazarbayev Intellectual school of physics and mathematics.
Kyzylorda: Murager school, Kazakh-Turkish lyceum boarding school for gifted children No. 9, Lycee-boarding school No. 10 for gifted children, School-lyceum No. 5
Ust-Kamenogorsk: School-gymnasium № 38 with in-depth study of English, School-gymnasium №10, Kazakh school-lyceum No.44 named after O.Bokey, "Regional specialized school-gymnasium-boarding school named after Zhambyl for gifted children».
The purpose of attending schools was to provide vocational guidance to students in the process of choosing the profile of training and the scope of future professional activities. Acquaintance with KazNU in general, and with the Department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in particular, was the main task of this work.
Specialist of the International Japan Foundation, PhD Onishi Yumi, a visiting professor at the University of Tsukuba within the framework of the Campus on Campus project, was overseen by the agitation brigades of the Department of the Far East. And also teachers of the Far East department, KazNU named after al-Farabi: Borankulov S.K., Kadikova S.I., Dairova A.
In the course of the work the teachers of the department acquainted more than 1000 schoolchildren with the culture of Japan, with the traditional dishes of Japan. Provided information and reference information on Japan and the Japanese language. Students took an active part in the quiz on Japan, Japanese language, Japanese culture. For a closer contact with the culture of Japan, a master class was made to make Origami-Crane, in which the students showed special activity. Also, the students were shown a video on the KazNU. al-Farabi, in particular about the department of the Far East of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, which covered the life of the department, the teaching staff, student life, educational and methodical, as well as the material base of the department. At the same time, students received information about grants and scholarships at universities in Japan - partners of the al-Farabi KazNU: Waseda University, Tsukuba University, Hokkaido University, Saitama University, Tokyo University of Foreign Languages.
Also, information was provided about the site of the KazNUI.al-Farabi online-courses, about the features and advantages of this course, agitation was conducted for further cooperation between teachers of the department and teachers and administration of these schools. For the course "Let's speak Japanese," more than 20 people were registered in absentia.
Schoolchildren showed interest, actively responded, which revealed their desires and aspiration for further study and knowledge of Japan and the Japanese language.