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Tournament "Kokpar"
11/5/2017The championship of student's League between universities of Kazakhstan by "Kokpar" took place at al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The sports event is part of the program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev " Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру ".
Due to the programmatic article in the country was revived one of the spectacular national games, which was supported by the youth and society. As it was noted by al-Farabi KazNU rector Galym Mutanov, the once forgotten national sport carry many of the features and often aimed at developing young people's physical and spiritual qualities. At the same time they help to educate the younger generation not to forget their history of their ancestors. Returning to the roots and national traditions always leads to spiritual renewal and rebirth of a new society. Reviewing the path, each nation draws its wisdom and strength from their history and roots. This allows them to reincarnate again and keep step with the times.
"Kokpar" – this is an ancient game of Kazakhs, which requires endurance, perseverance and strong forces. The game contains a whole philosophy of human life where you saved one of the keys of the original genetic code. The strongest and bravest horsemen of five Kazakhstan universities competed in three rounds of kokpar for the title of the most skilful riders оn stadium of al-Farabi KazNU on November 5. Athletes from al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakh National agrarian University, Kazakh Academy of sport and tourism, Almaty University of energy and communications and the Abay KazNPU took part in the contest of round II.
The first team conrest was between KazNU and KNAUniversity. In the first three rounds, which lasted for five minutes, a strong and resourceful were the students of al-Farabi KazNU. They won the rivals with the score 9:4. Also, KazNU won with the score 5:0 the team of the Almaty University of energy and communications. In General, competition in kokpar were hot and entertaining. In a tough fight KazNU team became a winner and won the Cup " Тайқазан ".
According to organizers, the game "Kokpar" is as close to a sports format. A team has three riders. As a carcase we use a specially developed and patented the layout of a goat. The kokpar is used only of horses-karabaiyr national breed.
Today, every University has sports clubs, which are United in the National youth sports League kokpar. If in the future the game kokpar will become the property of the nation, then eventually it will be the most famous sport on the world stage. The event was organized by al-Farabi KazNU and the Federation of student's League on kokpar.