Al-Farabi KazNU is the only University from Kazakhstan which was included in a substantive Round University ranking(RUR).
Kazakhstan rating Agency Round University Ranking presented al-Farabi KazNU. University for the Humanities took 448th place of 761 universities with 36,471 points. In the category of social Sciences of the Kazakh University scored 34,807 points taking 501st place. In the biological Sciences al-Farabi KazNU took 514th place and scored 32,139 points. In the medical Sciences al-Farabi KazNU took 411st place with 31,099 points. In the natural Sciences al-Farabi KazNU took 563rd place with 24,926 points.
It should be noted that the raw data for rating RUR are provided by international company Thomson Reuters through special studies data – Global Institutional Profiles Project (GIPP). The survey is conducted annually in the spring and covers about 850 higher education institutions worldwide.
In 2017, this rating took part 761 of the leading universities in the world in six subject areas: Humanities, natural Sciences, technical Sciences, social Sciences, biological Sciences, medical Sciences.
It is noteworthy that among the universities of Kazakhstan only al-Farabi Kazakh national University was honored to participate in the global ranking of universities. There aren’t 125 other universities of Kazakhstan.
Press service