
The 70th anniversary of the UN Charter on Human Rights


KazNU and the Global Hub of the UNAI for Sustainable Development held a round table on "The Role of the Peacekeeping Forces in Ensuring Peace and Human Rights".

Participants of the round table were: the second secretary of the Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Farhad Haidari, the UN representative in Almaty Vlastimil Samek and the national information and communication specialist Sergey Karpov, representatives of the Ministry of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan represented by major Rustem Suleimenov, representatives of the scientific community of the University and participants of the UNAI program .

During the round table, the participants discussed topical issues of the UN peacekeeping contingent, the role of UN organizations such as Academic influence in addressing human rights and security issues, the contribution of UNAI KazNU to sustainable development, the activities of youth structures as the UN Model - The New Silk Road in Strengthening Peace and Rights man in Central and South Asia. Scientists of Kazakhstan universities and representatives of the Center for Partnership for Peace of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan analyzed the problems of regional security, the role of Kazakhstan as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in supporting the activities of the organization.

According to the peacemaker Rustem Suleimenov, at present modern students not only can take a course, but also take part in the mission with the desire to help people.

«The most important thing is impartiality. A military observer is considered civil in form. We can not take weapons in hand. If necessary, the military observer must make his own decisions - take security with him or not - and assess the situation», said major Rustem Suleimenov.

In peacekeeping operations, military observers are UN personnel and observe the principle of neutrality, not supporting any of the conflicting parties. They ensure that the peace agreements reached are respected. This is a small contingent of military personnel, which makes a big contribution to the security of the world.