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"Era of independence"
A round table "New quality of human capital", dedicated to the discussion of the book of President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "Era of independence" was held at the al-Farabi Kazakh national University.
The event was attended by deputies of the Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan, prominent scientists, representatives of the scientific community, universities and the media, teachers and students.
The event was organized by al-Farabi KazNU, Kazakhstan Institute of strategic studies under the President of Kazakhstan and the Association of sociologists of Kazakhstan. In his speech, welcoming all participants and guests of the round table, KazNU rector Galym Mutanov noted that the book of President Nursultan Nazarbayev "Era of independence" is a valuable historical document of the era, reflects the essence of the Kazakh model of development and an ideological breakthrough in the context of the three upgrades Kazakhstan. "And it is symbolic that the meeting is taking place on the day when people were presented the annual message of the President of Kazakhstan. Thanks to that we have the opportunity to discuss the main provisions of two important documents, complementary, reflecting a global vision, strategic goals, objectives and determine the vector of further development of the country", – said the rector G. Mutanov.
During the years of independence, responding to numerous internal and external challenges, under the leadership of the head of Kazakhstan has managed to find his own way. The book clearly reflects the evolution of the Kazakh model of development, the basic principles and mechanisms, the results achieved during the years of Independence. It is important to review the three waves of the modernization of Kazakhstan. The first and second modernization provided the transition from a totalitarian system and build a market economy for early entry into the top-50 competitive countries of the world. The experience gained has enabled Kazakhstan to launch a third upgrade, which is aimed at a comprehensive renewal of the country and its promotion among the thirty most developed countries in the new global reality. New goals and objectives outlined by the Head of state in his address "New opportunities of development in the context of the fourth industrial revolution", in which special attention is given to the formation of competitive human capital, the main factor in the success of the nation. And in this important work universities play a key role. "Today we are talking about a new trend – the University 4.0 as a development model for modern universities. In this regard, we have developed based on the ideas of great thinker al-Farabi, whose name carries our University, the University model of the new generation, "University 4.0". This model is implemented in the framework of the project "Al-Farabi University smart city". It is based on the symbiosis of innovative technology and moral platforms designed to provide a new quality of human capital", – said KazNU rector of G. Mutanov in his speech. As the speakers noted, the new book of the President N. Nazarbayev is the author's view on the 26-year path of development of the country's independence. It is written in the genre of historical journalism and has already received high marks from its readers. "Thorough analysis and assessment of the further development of the countries represented in the new work of the head of state is not just summing up, and a detailed analysis of the past and, most importantly, a vision for the future", – said in his speech, the Director of the Kazakhstan Institute for strategic studies under the President of Kazakhstan, corresponding member of NAS RK Zarema Shaukenova.
The round table focused on the fact that surveys show a high awareness of Kazakhstan about the books and writings of the President, his messages to the people. Markers of each stage of development of the Republic are the works of the First President of Strategy of development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state and of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030" to the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". The basis of success was the introduction of principles of strategic planning and simulation. "This is the evolutionary path of development, the stability of society, which ensures a faster development projects in the economic, political and humanitarian fields. And this model is being implemented from 2017 under the project of the First President of RK N.A. Nazarbayev "Upgrading – 3.0" and "Rukhani Zhangyru" – spiritual modernization," – said in his report, the Deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament of RK, doctor of sociological Sciences, Professor Serik Seidumanov.
During the round table also heard reports by the Director of the Institute of philosophy, political science and religious studies of Committee of science of MES of Kazakhstan Bizhanov Akhan, rector of Zhurgenov Kazakh national Academy of arts Bibigul Ospanova, Director of the Institute of literature and art named after M. Auezov Ualikhan Kalizhan, Director of the Institute of Economics Committee of science of MES RK – rector for the integration of science and education KazNU Azimkhan Satybaldin, a PhD student at the Department of political science al-Farabi KazNU Aikerim Kamaldinova and others. The roundtable participants noted the important role of books for the younger youth, who first hand know the history of modern independent Kazakhstan. KazNU rector in his speech recalled the famous philosophical parable, according to which in the nature of darkness is in reality the absence of light. What we consider cold, in accordance with the laws of physics is the absence of heat. Does not exist in itself evil – it occurs only in the absence of good. "I am confident that if every University realizing its mission to become "intelligent University" and the locomotive of progressive economic, social and cultural changes in society, the task of making Kazakhstan and the world a more virtuous will be implemented", – summed up Galym Mutanov.