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Important political document
Software important political-legal document that reflects the strategic directions of development of Kazakhstan - the current Message of the President Nursultan Nazarbayev is seamlessly and unique, because it contains a specific programme of system modernization of Kazakhstan in the Fourth industrial revolution. The President suggested that the main vector of development, necessary for the occurrence of Kazakhstan in number of leaders of the new world - digitalization, the adoption of digital technologies in all spheres of life, as today, the world is entering an era of profound technological, economic and social changes, and the era of "oil abundance" is almost coming to an end. The country requires a new quality of development. Global trends show that it must be based first and foremost on implementation of elements of the Fourth industrial revolution. It carries both challenges and opportunities.
Kazakhstan has all necessary to become one of the leaders of the new world. Order to enter the cohort of the most developed countries adopted a development Strategy "Kazakhstan-2050". Implementing a Plan of nation – 100 concrete steps, of which 60 have already been implemented. Last year launched the Third modernization of Kazakhstan. Successfully implemented a Program of industrialization. Adopted a comprehensive program "Digital Kazakhstan". Developed a comprehensive Strategic development plan of Kazakhstan till 2025. All necessary programs are operating successfully. An important milestone was held in Astana exhibition "EXPO-2017". She showed how the rapidly moving progress in the field of alternative, clean energy. Today, renewable energy accounts for a quarter of the world's electricity production. According to forecasts, by 2050 this figure will reach 80%. The task to bring the share of alternative energy in Kazakhstan to 30% by 2030. The country already operates 55 facilities of renewable energy sources with a total capacity of 336 MW, which in 2017 produced about 1.1 billion kWh of "green" energy.
Last year the country overcome the negative consequences of the global crisis, have returned to the path of steady growth. For the year growth in gross domestic product amounted to 4%, and industrial production – more than 7%. Thus in the total industrial output, the manufacturing sector exceeded 40%. Successful development of Kazakhstan allowed to form the middle class. Poverty has decreased in 13 times, the unemployment rate fell to 4.9%. The basis of socio-economic success of the country – civil peace, interethnic and interreligious harmony, which continue to be the main value. However, you must clearly understand that the achievements of Kazakhstan as a reliable base, but not a guarantee of future success.
For the further rapid development of the identified 10 key objectives to all sectors of the economy and the social sphere, which opens wide horizons to the country. Priority given to the modernization and digitalization of the Kazakhstan industry, agriculture, transport and logistics infrastructure. The document is traditionally pays great attention to social development issues. Active introduction of modern technologies in housing and utilities sector, create your own advanced system of education, increasing the availability and effectiveness of health care, providing quality employment – all this will definitely improve the quality of life of citizens.
The most important issue is the development of its own digital ecosystem of developers and other innovative solutions. She needs to crystallize around the innovation centers, such as the Nazarbayev University, IFCA and the international Technopark IT-startups. This list includes the flagship of highest education country of KazNU. al-Farabi, who studies well-known international organization "Great Value Colleges" has ranked among the 50 most technologically advanced universities in the world, occupying in a rating of 31. It also was the only representative not only of the countries-participants of the CIS and Eastern and Central Europe, as well as along with Singapore and Japan, presented the Asian continent. In the global QS World University Ranking of KazNU. al-Farabi in 5 years have moved by as much as 350 seats and the first among universities of Central Asia and Kazakhstan has entered the TOP 250 best universities in the world, occupying 236 place among the 800 best universities in the world. The high visibility of the Treasury on the world stage is also linked to its innovative projects, the most important of which is the implementation of a new model "University 4.0" as a promising model of development of the University new generation. Its Foundation is the concept of "Al-Farabi University smart city" based on the symbiosis of innovative technology and moral platforms.
The President's message is an important stimulus for the further modernization of the country and a guide to action. This applies first and foremost to us – the workers of higher education. And we intend to provide effective research support for implementation of important state document.
Zhetpisbay Bekbolatuly,
head of the Department of KazNU al-Farabi