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New Message of the President
9 January 2018 sounded Annual message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev: “New development in the fourth industrial revolution”.
9 January 2018 sounded Annual message of the President of the country N.A. Nazarbayev: “New development in the fourth industrial revolution”. In the President's speech describes the features of the modern era in which we live: the age of new technologies, globalization, integration, communication. The appeal of the head of state emphasized: “Today, humanity is entering an era of a new industrial revolution. Modern technology is changing the world. Global technology shifts are the shifts, and new opportunities for growth. This is our historical chance to accelerate entry into the 30 most developed countries”. In this regard, the message to the people of Kazakhstan devoted to the development of the country in terms of the fourth industrial revolution.
The President outlined 10 key priorities of Kazakhstan's development: the development of local industry, which should become the flagship of the introduction of new technologies, improvement of efficiency of use of resource potential (reboot) of the financial sector, etc.
It should be particularly noted that the President's address focused on the implementation of the priority strategies in the area of public education policy, particularly the introduction of multilingual education. Speaking about the new quality of education, the President in his Message emphasized that the future of Kazakhstan, in proficiency in Kazakh, Russian and English. “Developed and implemented a new method of learning the Kazakh language for Russian schools. If we want the Kazakh language to live in the centuries, it is necessary to modernize without weighing excessive terminology. It is necessary to reconsider approaches to the validity of such translations and terminology to bring our language to the international level. The transition to the Latin alphabet contributes to this issue”, – the Message says. The President instructed to determine a clear timetable for transition to Latin alphabet before 2025 at all levels of education. He also recalled that in 2019 we will begin the transition to teaching in English separate science subjects in grades 10 and 11.
The acquisition of graduates of schools with three languages, the President connects with their future life and professional sales, not only domestically but in the global world. As a result, people from any ethnic group can choose to work until the election of the President of the country. "Kazakhstan will become one nation," - noted in a historical document.
Much attention in the President's address is paid to the quality of education that depends on the level of professionalism, competence of teachers increase, in this regard, you should review approaches to the learning and growth of teachers. “If universities need to develop pedagogical departments and faculties. It is necessary to strengthen the quality of teaching of mathematics and science at all levels of education. This is an important condition for training young people to a new technological order”, – the Message says.
For us, the professors and teachers of chair of pedagogics and educational management of al-Farabi KazNU is particularly important strategic tasks set by the President of the country in the field of education, level of education of the younger generation, education of an intellectual nation, from which depends the future of the country and entry of Kazakhstan into number of leaders of the new world!