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The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, N.Nazarbayev, in his traditional annual Address to the Nation of Kazakhstan on January 10, 2018, "New Development Opportunities in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution," noted that the condition for the development of our country in accordance with civilization is the development of digital technologies in any of the main sources of 10 fundamental directions - one of the main goals. Due to the development of the Internet, which covers the whole world with great economic ties, mobile communication and a wide range of information that takes the whole world to the forefront, also because of the reduction in costs for various types of goods and services consumed by man, the concept of a digital economy, based on digital technologies? The American scientist Nicholas Negropontpen first introduced the term «Digital Economy» in 1995. In the present era, that is, at present, even if the term does not have a clear definition, it plays an active role in the socio-social and production relations of countries striving for civilization throughout the world.
In the Address, the head of state stressed that the development of the technological infrastructure and the use of a large database (big data) can lead to a massive digital transformation of our society. If the previous stage of digitization is characterized by increased access to, the Internet for millions of consumers, and a new stage is the combination of a wide range of digital services, products and systems into a cyber-physical system. The global transition to "digital" can lead to radical changes in many sectors of the economy. In fact, today there is a tendency to digitize all sectors - the technological structure and production chains, the process of managing demand and production, etc., changes with an innovative character. According to many experts, in the next 5-7 years our life can radically change, and our task is to ensure Kazakhstan's inclusion in the list of advanced technological countries, without missing this technological cycle. Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, doctor of technical sciences, academician G.Mutanov said at the seminar to IT specialists: "As a result of globalization of the economy and the development of technological processes in information and communication technologies, the education system is a virtual learning environment, distance learning, online learning, real-time, social networking tools, network libraries and bank access data. " This is evidenced by the "E-campus" system in our university. It should be noted that digital diversification is observed in foreign rating companies and because of research by the authoritative agency World University Ranksings QS (Great Britain), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ranks 236 among the best universities in the world. Based on the foregoing, the digital economy can provide a number of sectors that can be channeled through this digital economy, as it has a promising impact on social services and all sectors of the economy. Speaking about the digital economy, we cannot help mentioning the theme of the blockchain. Blockchain is a distributed type of book. Data written in digital form is called blocks (which can be compared to a single page). This allows you to use a chain of blocks, such as logging in to the system, available to all with the appropriate resolution. In addition, blockchain opens up great opportunities for government agencies, especially in projects related to the land cadastre. For example, with the use of a blockchain, the level of remote registration of documents will be increased, and the cost of registration of land plots will be reduced. In the Address, the head of state stressed, "Smart technologies are an opportunity for the development of the agro-industrial complex". He also noted, "Agrarian policy should be aimed at radically increasing labor productivity and increasing exports of processed goods. As for digital agriculture based on Smart Technologies, it is important to understand that transfer of this area to digital space is impossible without the introduction of a GPS / GLONASS monitoring system (global navigation satellite system). The GPS / GLONASS system is a telemetry system for dispatching and monitoring of agricultural equipment based on satellite systems. This system will allow organizing the registration of agricultural land in the regions, calculate the efficiency of the work performed, their speed and cost of fuel and lubrication for each transport unit; to analyze and plan technological operations in each area, and also to analyze the data of satellite observations for field areas, agricultural lands, meteorological conditions; assess the effectiveness of individual crops; Provide information support to the user when performing the exact technological solution. Many states conclude that in addition to business and the management of society in the new digital economy, there is a need for knowledge that characterizes the natural and anthropogenic environment in spatial relations. Digital technologies can have a big impact on the social values of local authorities, associations and communities. In conclusion, it can be noted that the development of the digital economy not only affects the internal and external business environment, but also affects the political capabilities of the government. In a production-oriented enterprise, the Internet can sell products to any enterprise, even with small capital investments around the world, can help reduce costs and significantly improve productivity and efficiency. However, technological changes create new market rules for business, according to which it is necessary to find new competitive strategies and increase the effectiveness of competition. The government will be able to assess overall progress in digital technology, identify successful practices at the local level in the digital field, and develop technologies in the field of public services and change rules and regulations. As already noted in the Message, we pursue the high goal of becoming one of the thirty developed countries, and the transition to the era of the fourth industrial revolution, profound and intensive changes in the technological, economic and social spheres is a bright future for our country. Thus, the digital economy, which has become topical in the industrialization of the digital age, is one of the leading tools to improve the quality of socio-economic, industrial relations, various services, and social life of the population, innovative development, and management of infrastructure facilities with a new civilization process. In the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the ten main tasks of our progressive development based on digital technologies should be based on the words "They are clear and transparent" in the future.
Ziyadin Sayabek, Doctor of Economics, professor
Director of the Center for Economic Research,
al-Farabi Kazakh National University