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A meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of al-Farabi KazNU was held.
A meeting of graduates of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of al-Farabi KazNU was held.
On January 20, 2018 at the Faculty of Oriental Studies was a long-awaited meeting of alumni, timed to the discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan on January 10, 2018.
Graduates from various years came to the meeting: from 1994 to 2017. Graduates of the Faculty of Oriental Studies are a talented diplomats and public figures, young scientists and managers, successful businessmen and top managers of the foreign companies.
The University is always happy to open its doors: a rich program was prepared for the “Orientalists”. The event began with a greeting from Professor of the Middle East and South Asia Department Gulnar Nadirova, followed by the presentation of the university achievements and a concert program. The greeting speech was addressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Yktiyar Paltore mentioning that the graduates of the Faculty, seeking higher heights, are also attractive employers emplementing the national development strategy. The Dean also noted the importance of studying foreign, in particular, Oriental languages, in the light of the tasks noted in the President’s Address. The students of the State Institution “Specialized Gymnasium named after Al-Farabi for talanted children with training in three languages” of the Karasai district took part in the concert program. They got acquainted with the university, directions of its activity.
Further, during the excursion, an updated building of the faculty, its sights, in particular the Museum of the East were shown the graduates. There was also a master class on Chinese calligraphy and Arabic script. After the buffet table, the graduates enjoyed visiting the stydying departments, where they spent their student years.
After the excursion, the graduates were invited to participate in the drawing of memorable prizes from the faculty. Prizes from each of the four departments were prepared specially for the event; five of the lucky winners from among the graduates won the gifts.
The Faculty of Orient
al Studies is rightfully proud of its graduates and thanks them for participation in the event, wishes them further achieving great heights and goals!