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The specialty "Space engineering and technologies" is new in Kazakhstan, it was introduced only in 2009. In 2010, the al-Farabi KazNU received a license for training bachelors in this specialty at the Department on Mechanics and had enrollment the first set of students. In 2012 the Master Program, in 2013 – PhD Program were opened. Thus, by the present time, KazNU is implementing a full three-level training of space industry specialists.
Department on Mechanics invites to read lectures and consult on the design of nanosatellites of the world's most famous expert on the development of nano- and microsatellites Professor Shinichi Nakasuka of Tokyo University, who also conducts joint scientific projects. KazNU concluded the Agreement on the exchange of employees within the framework of the UNIFORM program with Wakayama University (Japan). Three PhD students and two master students of KazNU in 2014-2015 took part in the integration and testing of the microsatellite Uniform-2 developed within the framework of this program.
KazNU actively cooperates with the Berlin Technical University, carrying out joint international projects. The Berlin Technical University conducts a summer school on the design of nanosatellites for master students of KazNU. In 2013, KazNU mounted a ground station at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics to obtain the telemetry of low-Earth orbiting satellites.
Since 2015, the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is implementing a profile master degree program in the framework of the State Program for Industrial and Innovative Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The university has a good material and technical base, computer classes. Teachers of the department regularly improve their qualifications in leading foreign universities. For the training of students in the profile magistracy were involved foreign teachers from Tokyo University (Japan), AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland), Samara National Research University (Russian), as well as specialists from enterprises. The first graduation of the profile magistracy took place in 2017. All graduates are employed, more than 90% work in the specialty, which confirms the specialty is in demand!
Master students undergo foreign internships at the Berlin Technical University, AGH University of Science and Technology, Samara National Research University. PhD students of specialty undergo foreign internships at the University of Tokyo, Nagoya University (Japan), University of Bridgeport (USA).
Students are widely involved in scientific projects in the field of space activities. Within the framework of the project "Creation of a national scientific school for the development of space engineering and technologies. Designing, assembling and launching the first Kazakhstan nanosatellite" (scientific supervisor - academician of NAS of RK Mutanov G.M.) was developed the nanosatellite "al-Farabi 1" with the students of Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and Faculty of Physics and Technology that launched on February 15, 2017.
It should be noted, that all levels of education necessarily pass production or research practice at the enterprises of the space industry. In addition, the base of practice is constantly expanded.
Al-Farabi KazNU prepares masters and PhD for enterprises of the space industry, such as the Institute of the Ionosphere, V.G. Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Institute of Space Technшйгу and Technology, Military Engineering Institute of Radioelectronics and Communication, National Center for Space Research and Technology.
Since 2017, within the framework of the program of joint training of specialists in the field of "Space engineering and technologies" had been opened Master's and Doctor's degrees in cooperation with the Institute of Mechanics and Machine Science named by academician U.A. Dzholdasbekov.
A new specialty becomes attractive for foreign students. In 2015, under the international program IAESTE a student from the USA had training at the department. In 2016, three students from South Korea, Poland and Spain underwent the same training program, in 2017 four students from Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Austria. Under the CASEU program during the 2016-2017 academic year a master student from Spain studied as a trainee researcher. In the 2017-2018 academic year as part of the FLAGMAN program a student from the USA undergoes practical training in the field of "Space engineering and technologies".
Specialty "Space engineering and technologies" in al-Farabi KazNU actively develops, expanding and strengthening cooperation with enterprises of Kazcosmos, on the one hand, and with leading world universities, on the other hand. Preparation of highly qualified and in-demand specialists for the space industry of Kazakhstan in al-Farabi KazNU is rapidly rising to a high quality level.
Z.B. Rakisheva, Cand. of Ph. and Math. Sc., Associate Professor, Head of Department on Mechanics
G.M. Mayemerova, PhD, Senior Teacher
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty)