
Galaxy of child prodigies


Оn May, 17th 2010г. 92 pupils of Almaty schools have received a gold breastplate of "Urker". So much schoolboys have been recognised the best on the republican and international Olympic Games. That from them 22 pupils are winners and prize-winners of the Olympic Games "Al-Farabi" is remarkable. With congratulatory words to talented schoolboys has addressed the director of Department for G.T.Balakaeva's academic questions.

G.T.Balakaeva, the director of Department for the academic questions:

- You - the best and talented. You - an example for all pupils, you are people who should be ahead and take the most active vital positions. Name treasury al-Farabi – the first university of Kazakhstan and one of world leading universities in which the intelligence is held in respect also honour, is encouraged interest to a science and wide encyclopaedic knowledge. All it is very important contribution to formation of leaders of new generation which will bring the contribution to a coin box of achievements of our University and will make all that our country was prospering.

The breastplate is made of an apple - a symbol of Almaty. The blossoming apple-tree is a sign on an eternal youth, the world and beauty. Fruits on a tree are located also as stars in constellation of Galaxies, in the Kazakh language - "Urker". One of a galaxy of the presented schoolboys – the pupil of technical lycée № 165 Kalsin Sergey. He says that the award - one more stimulus for quality education reception.

Kalsin Sergey, the pupil of technical lycée № 165:

- I wish to connect myself with the exact sciences, physics and mathematics because as I think that it is very important. As I the winner of the Olympic Games "Al-Farabi" on the mathematician I will arrive in the Kazakh national university of a name al-Farabi on mehaniko-mathematical faculty and will advance scientific achievements of our country at the international level.

This year 12094 pupils have taken part in the republican Olympic Games "Al-Farabi", from them 42 became winners and prize-winners, 2800 pupils have overcome threshold level of the Olympic Games.