On March 9, 2018, the final meeting of the "Arabic Language Week" was held. Director of the Egyptian Cultural Center Dr. PhD Hamdan Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Studies Dr. PhD Ykhtiyar Paltore, lecturers of the Arabic language, headed by the Head of the Middle East and South Asia Department, Dr. Rashid Mukhitdinov, as well as students and undergraduates of the Arab department participated in the event.
During the week devoted to the Arabic language and culture, which started on March 5, several competitions were organized. A special place among them had the competition in Arabic language and culture between students and undergraduates. At the meeting, the results of the competitions were presented and certificates and monetary rewards were handed to prize-winners. Dr. Abu-l-Futuh Sabri, who was invited to Oriental Studies Faculty, headed the jury of the competitions. He reported that the competition was held on two levels in order to take into account the difference in the levels of knowledge of the students of the first years of study and the graduating courses and undergraduates, and noted that diligence and motivation to teach the Arabic language to students of al-Farabi KazNU are at very high level. Speaking at the meeting, Dean of the Faculty Mr. Paltore spoke briefly about the history of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the special place of the Arabists, who laid the foundation for this faculty, and with satisfaction concluded that the event was held at a high level. He also noted the great contribution of the Head of the Egyptian Cultural Center Dr. Hamdan, thanked Dr. Abu-l-Futuh and the teachers who took an active part in organizing this event.
Faculty of Oriental Studies