The Department of Biomedical Statistics and Evidence-Based Medicine, the Faculty of Medicine of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi (, organized a meeting with the Dean, College of Asia Pacific Studies of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (Beppu, Japan) - Todoroki Hiroshi and Professor of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University - Serik Meirmanov.
The meeting was attended by the dean of the medical faculty - Kalmatayeva Zh.A., dean of the faculty of geography and nature management - Salnikov V., head of the department of the far east - Em N., head of the department of international relations and world economy - Chukubayev E., head of the department of international law - Sairambaeva Zh., head of the department of biomed statistics and evidence medicine - Romanova Zh. and etc.
Within the framework of this meeting, issues of cooperation between universities were discussed. The issues of academic mobility of students, scientific internship of undergraduates, the exchange of university employees and teachers, attraction of leading scientists for the scientific guidance of doctoral PhD students, development of international projects, as well as other forms of educational and scientific cooperation were discussed.
Following the meeting, the participants prepared a draft agreement on joint cooperation.