At April 4, 2018 European Information Center of International relations faculty, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held international conference «Kazakhstan-EU cooperation: modern tendencies and perspectives», dedicated to 25th anniversary of Diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and EU and 20th anniversary of European Information Center’s establishment at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
European Union’s Mission to Kazakhstan supported the Conference. Among participants of the Conference were Ambassador, Head of EU Mission to Kazakhstan Mr. Trayan Cristea, Consul-General of Germany Mr. Jorn Rosenberg, Consul-General of Hungary Mrs. Judit Lang, Head of Kazakhstan’s MFA office in Almaty Mr. Bultrikov Ruslan Iskendirovich, international academicians Pierre Chabal, France and Roger McDermott, UK and Gulcen Aidyn from Turkey. Experts from Kazakhstan were represented by researchers from academic and research institutions such as Institute of World Economy and International relations, Kazakh Institute of Strategic Studies under President of Kazakhstan, Institute of Diplomacy of Public service Academy under President of Kazakhstan, Research Institution for International and Regional Cooperation, Kazakh-German University, Almaty Management University, Shakarim Semipalatinsk State University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
At the Conference members of diplomatic corps and researchers exchanged views on problems of Kazakhstan-EU cooperation including questions of establishing common market, cooperation in the fields of regional and international security, promotion of civil society etc.