The 10th Republic Student Olympiad in the specialty “Oriental Studies” took place at the Oriental Studies faculty of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.
The total number of Japanese Language Section participants is 14 students from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages and Eurasian National University.
Olympiad consist of two sections. The first task was to accomplish a test on language, history and regional studies and to write an essay in Japanese. By the results of the first round, 9 students out of 14 made it to the second round, presenting a presentation about the issues of the day of studied country.
According to the results of these sections, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s Far East Department was awarded by three prize-places. Second place was won by the 2nd course student Kuatova Khanimai, 2nd course student Nabi Kamila and 3rd year student Yusupova Rozagul took 3rd place. The Olympiad winners were given special diplomas and gifts.
It should be noted that the credit of this higher output of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University’s students goes to the teachers of Far East Department.
Holding Republic Oriental Studies Olympiad based on Oriental Studies Faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU yearly has became a good tradition now and has a great meaning. Participating in this contest is establishing interest towards studying subject, chosen profession, scientific research and determination. Also, it helps to build a character, which leads to self-development and development of Orientalism in Kazakhstan.