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Chemical technology of functional materials
On April 12-13, 2018 at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology al-Farabi KazNU in the frame of the V International Farabi readings the 4th International Russian-Kazakh Scientific and Practical conference “Chemical technology of the functional materials” took place. It was the convenient platform for scientific discussions and discussion of topical issues of further cooperation.
Today the modern Russian-Kazakh relations are a striking example of bilateral cooperation in the sphere of science in all former Soviet Union. In 2015 the Agreement on cooperation between Novosibirsk State Technical University and al-Farabi Kazakh National University was signed. According to the reached agreement, since 2015, annually the conferences take place held in unison by our organizations.
The first International Russian-Kazakh scientific and practical school conference “Chemical technology of the functional materials” passed in NGTU from June 8 to June 11, 2015. The second conference was organized by the Chair of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of al-Farabi KazNU and held on May 26-28, 2016 in Almaty. The third conference “Chemical technology of the functional materials” took place in NGTU from April 27 to April 29, 2017.
The conference purpose is the discussion of current problems of chemical technology of the functional materials. More than 40 leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of synthesis and study of materials from research and educational institutions of Russia, Kazakhstan, Germany, Israel and also students, undergraduates and PhD doctoral candidates took part in work of the conference.
At a plenary session the presentations of d.ch.sci., professor of NGTU N.F. Uvarov (Novosibirsk), professor of the Technical university Kaiserslautern H. Sitzmann (Germany), professor of the University Bar-Ilan I. Mastai (Israel), d.ch.sci., professor S.R. Konuspayev (Almaty), d.ch.sci., professor M.K. Aldabergenov (Almaty), cand.tech.sci., associate professor A.A. Politov (Novosibirsk), PhD V. Gidt (Germany), PhD K. Wilhelm (Germany), cand.tech.sci., associate professor A.G. Bannov (Novosibirsk) were of particular interest.
Work of a conference was continued in two sections: “Scientific bases of synthesis and production of the functional materials. Processes and devices” and “Physical and chemical studies of catalytic processes and catalysts of petrochemistry and oil refining” in which both oral, and bench reports were presented.
In presentations of speakers in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages the modern problems of synthesis and use of perspective composition and multifunctional materials and also heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis received reflection. Discussions of speakers’ reports took place in friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
Within conference a competition of the best reports of students, graduate students and young scientists was held, the book of theses of reports intended for a wide range of the experts working in the field of chemistry, chemical materials science, ecology and engineering chemistry was published. The excursion program including visits to educational laboratories KazNU and visit of sights of Almaty was organized.
Important recommendations and offers which will be demanded both on regional, and at the international level became as result of a discussion of scientists, the foundation for scientific cooperation is laid. Between NGTU and KazNU annual exchange of students and undergraduates is carried out, also professor staff of NGTU, Technical University of Kaiserslautern and the Bar-Ilan University are scientific co-supervisors of KazNU PhD students. Working on by preparation of joint educational training programs is conducted.
The conference took place on most high scientific level. It would be desirable to express special gratitude to all organizers and participants, passed in walls of KazNU.
Chair of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry