From 28 to 31 May 2018, at al-Farabi Kazakh National University the seminar was held with the Working group on the educational programme in English in «Mechanics».
The workshop was attended by Tarmo Soomere (Dr. of Science, Distinguished Professor of Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn), Peyman Givi (Dr. of Science, Distinguished Professor of University of Pittsburgh, USA), Mohanraj Mugurusan (Dr. of Science, Professor of Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, India) and Tarek Sobh (Dr. of Science, Distinguished Professor of University of Bridgeport, USA). Also in the discussions of the educational programme the employers from the Institute of Mechanics and Engineering, the Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, the Institute of Space Technique and Technology, Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, Satpayev University took part and made suggestions. As results of this workshop the educational programme for bachelor’s has been developed, which is relevant to modern educational requirements and demands of the job market.
Department of mechanics