Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is hosting the 5th International School of Young Scientists Physicists "Adjacent problems of physics and astrophysics of ultra-high-energy particles" from August 27 to September 1. Organizers - the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LPI RAS), "Tien-Shan High-Altitude Scientific Station" (TSHASS LPI RAS), al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the support of the Interstate Fund for Humanitarian Cooperation of the CIS (IFESCCO). The school brought together about a hundred young scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan and Moldova, representing the leading academic and educational centers of the physical profile.
The subject of the School is determined by the desire to discuss the most interesting problems in the physics of cosmic rays and astrophysics of ultra-high-energy particles. The program of the School includes lectures, practical classes and free discussions, the form of which presupposes active participation in the dialogue - listeners of the School, which will enable them to acquire new and deepen the available knowledge and skills.
Besides, the issues of granting the possibility of participation of young scientists in scientific, experimental programs and high-tech projects of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva), with which Kazakhstan signed a cooperation agreement, will also be discussed. Undoubtedly, the school will become a unique platform for the preparation of young scientists for participation in major international projects and the training of highly qualified scientific personnel.