The event dedicated to the Day of Languages - "Tarih - tamir, til - tugır" took place in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan on September 21, 2018.
Language is not only a means of communication, but also the spiritual core of society, the basis of the history and culture of the people. The goal of the event is the popularization of the state language, the inculcation of respect for national values, culture and history. Students of the first year of the department of Japanese studies participated in this event. It was very interesting for students to participate in quizzes and competitions, to see presentations. Freshmen got acquainted with the existing and new programs and methods of studying the Kazakh language. At the end of the event, the researchers conducted a tour of the museum. Students who came to Almaty from other regions, who visited the museum for the first time, got acquainted with the museum's rich collection. In general, thanks to participation in such an event, students have enriched themselves with new knowledge, have had an opportunity to think about the role of language in life, about its development in the future.
Departament of the Far East