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New horizons in the preparation of bachelors in ecology in English
II International seminar on the creation of an educational program on the specialty "5В060800-Ecology" was successfully held in the period from September 17 to 21 of this year in the Al-Farabi library of our university. In the atmosphere of creativity, scientific discussions and mutual understanding, questions were discussed on the development of syllabuses and educational and methodological complexes of disciplines to provide quality training for bachelor-ecologists in English, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.
Competent approach, compliance with international standards and innovative solutions - the distinctive features of the New Educational Program, the main stages of implementation of which were told by Coordinator Tazhibaeva T.L. аnd depute head of UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development Tanybaeva A.K. "There are more than 20 new disciplines in the program, in the development of which we were helped by foreign experts," Tamara Lashkarovna said. Perspectives of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and international cooperation projects were shared by its head Yashchenko R.V.
Speeches of European experts: Professors of the Polytechnic University of Valencia Javier Rodrigo Ilarri "Review of the discipline" Environmental Impact Assessment "(Spain), Professor of Reading University Martin Lukac " People and the Environment "(Great Britain), Professor of the University of Cumbria Jan Convery " Overview of the discipline "Global Challenges and the Goals of Sustainable Development" (Great Britain). A professor from Great Britain, M.Lukaс who has an N-index of 26, in his speech underlined: "Kazakhstan and Al-Farabi University have an ambitious but quite feasible task in organizing bachelors in ecology in English. The curriculum and relevant documentation meet modern foreign standards. I am happy to participate in the implementation of such educational program. " Organization of professional practice, writing the thesis work - became the subject of discussion of foreign experts and developers from KazNU: Toregozhina Zh.R., Abubakirova K.D, Birimzhanova Z.S. Controversy in the issues of early consideration of new scientific achievements in lecturing and application of the best teaching technologies was conducted by depute head of Chair Minzhanova G.M. and Voronova N.V. The PhD doctoral student Rysmagambetova A. shared her impressions about the foreign internship on the problem of solid household waste management. Technical support of the seminar was provided by Leskhan A. Participants of the seminar unanimously agreed that the implementation of the New Program for the preparation of bachelors in English will allow Kazakhstan universities to enter the international level, and specialists will become competitive for working in prestigious national and foreign companies and industries.
UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development