The first place on the military-patriotic game "Sarbaz flight - 2018"!
On 20 of October 2018, under the auspices of the State Fund for Development of Youth Policy of Almaty held a military-patriotic game "Sarbaz Reis - 2018" among student youth on the basis of the Academy of Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Teams from all universities in Almaty competed in performing a special control exercise with elements of mountain training. A rather complicated obstacle course included overcoming artificial and psychological obstacles, rope stage, acrossing and descent.
Following the results of the game, the team of the military department of the KazNU named after al-Farabi took the first place with a large margin from rivals , and it could not be otherwise, because at the military department of the KazNU named after al-Farabi special attention paid to the moral-psychological, physical development and military-patriotic education of students, which today requires the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of criteria for the quality of training and education of modern youth.
Especially necessary to note the high level of physical and moral-psychological preparation of female students-Kuanysh Kuralay and Parhat Aishuak, they passed with honor all tests on an equal basis with the young men.
Military department