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The Development of Higher and Postgraduate Education: Experience and Prospects
Innovations and changes in the education system were announced during the work of the Republican Conference «Development of Higher and Postgraduate Education: Experience and Prospects», which was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. The Rectors and Vice-Rectors for educational work, representatives of the Department of Higher and Postgraduate Education, who participated in the event got acquainted with the main directions and trends in the higher education system in terms of academic and managerial autonomy. In particular, Vice-Minister of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Askhat Aymagambetov spoke about the innovations being introduced in the organization of the educational process, new rules on credit technology of education, model rules for organization of higher and postgraduate education, rules for awarding an educational grant for higher or postgraduate education with a «Bachelor» or «Master» degree, the rules of admission to study in educational organizations that implement general educational programs of higher and postgraduate education and etc.
Thus, according to the representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, next year the UNT and CT will be merged and the UNT will be held several times a year for those who will be studying on a fee basis. That is, applicants will be given the multiple opportunity to pass the UNT for admission to the Universities on a fee basis within the deadlines established by the Rules for Conducting the UNT.
If an international certificate exists, the applicant is exempt from passing a foreign language as a core subject at the UNT. A score scale will be developed for them. Along with the UNT, Universities are allowed to establish additional exams for admission to the paid studies. Under the new requirements, changes will be made to the rules for admission to the Master’s and PhD programs by comprehensive testing. Admission of foreign citizens to the Master's and PhD programs will be made within the calendar year.
Statements were also made by Olzhas Ordabayev, Deputy Chairman of the Board NCE «Atameken», Almagul Kultumanova, Director of the Bologna Process and Academic Mobility Center, Sholpan Zhamanbalaeva, Vice-Rector for Social Development of Al-Farabi KazNU, Adlet Toibayev, Director of Higher and Postgraduate Education.
In the presentation «On the Main Approaches to the Management of Educational Work and Indicators of its Effectiveness in Higher Education», Vice-Rector of KazNU Sholpan Zhamanbalaeva highlighted that the goal of educational work in Universities is to form the personality of a future competitive specialist with high qualities of a citizen-patriot morality, social responsibility, ability to creative expression and active citizenship. And for the realization of this goal, a whole range of tasks have been developed, one of which is the modernization of traditional methods, the search and development of new forms and methods of educational work that meet the time and new needs of students. Further questions were raised on the main approaches and new technologies in the education system on the basis of partnership and etc.
«As it had been said by Abu Nasyr Al-Farabi in his time, «knowledge without education, and without moral principles can cause harm, not benefit.» In fact, Universities should be drivers not only in the formation of highly educated professionals, but also in educating citizens of the country and the world,» – pointed out Vice-Rector Sholpan Zhamanbalaeva, and she introduced the Conference participants with KazNU’s social and educational work as well as its achievements.
Summing up the Conference, a number of recommendations on the development of higher and postgraduate education have been adopted, which were addressed to all Rectors of Higher Education Universities, the Association of Pedagogical Universities, together with the Department of Education of oblasts, cities of Astana, Almaty and Shymkent.
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