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Assylbek Seitov – tarihte kalgan iz
State central archive of Almaty hosted a presentation of a book "Assylbek Seitov – tarihte kalgan iz” by Orazgul Mukhatova, doctor of historical Sciences of Al-Farabi KazNU. The monograph was published in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangyru" at "Kazakh Universiteti" printing house.
Director of the State central archive of Almaty Abazal Botanov, chief expert Leila Rahimova, daughter of A. Seitova Clara Seitova, candidate of medical sciences Asan Kanybekov, students of higher educational institutions, scientists, historians, experts, and more have attended the event.
"Ruhani zhangyru", the program of the President is aimed at revival of national values and the legendary unknown personalities, who once fought for and served the Kazakh people. In this regard, the teachers of Al-Farabi KazNU contribute to implement the major tasks identified in an article "Ruhani zhangyru".
During the event the participants were acquainted with memories and facts about the victims of the Kazakh activists that struggled for freedom and about the deceased because of false accusation in 1937 Asylbek Jumanuly Seitov.
The book, published by publishing house "Kazakh University "is intended for students, undergraduates, doctoral students, teachers of the “Archive and documentation” specialty and researchers.
During the meeting, the author of the book told how the collection of materials and search for archival documents and photographs took place. As it turned out, Asylbek Gumanoy was a doctor who saved many lives during the devastating epidemics and was active in propaganda work for the prevention of infectious diseases among the population. He also engaged in social activities along with Saken Seifullin and Alash figures.
"As a teacher and historian, I consider it my duty to study, write and pass on my work to the future generation, so that they know about the strong and the best personalities of our people, who worked tirelessly for the benefit of our land and people, were able to convey the most valuable and important. In my opinion, such figures as Asylbek Seyitov should be inscribed in the national history in Golden letters and preserved for our descendants. As their life was devoted without the rest on preservation and integrity of the earth, tradition, language and original culture of Kazakhs", – Orazgul Mukhatova, the author of the book noted.
During the presentation, they discussed the reports of the students of the 4th course of the faculty of history, archeology and Ethnology Dinmukamed Balgabek and Aziza Sulaimanova.
At the end of the event, the participants proposed to name one of the streets of Almaty and established by Asylbek Seitov hospital №5 in his honor.