
Academic mobility of KazNU students


Academic mobility of KazNU students

 2018 at the Department of the Far East, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a meeting of freshmen with students of the fourth year as part of the "Shin Sede" group. During the meeting, organized in the framework of the student circle "Shin Sede", 4th year students of the specialty "Foreign Philology" Nurgalieva Dinara and Tazhibay Shugyla shared their experiences, impressions and memories of foreign training in the Republic of Korea within the academic mobility of students and gave practical advice to freshmen. They talked about the features of the educational system, the relationship between teachers and students of the University of Hanyang and the University of foreign languages Hanguk. Also, the 4th year students promised to help everyone who is going to go South Korea for academic mobility. In turn, a discussion arose between the students on the issues of interest to them, which ended in a cognitive conversation. Freshmen received practical knowledge about academic mobility. The event was held in a friendly atmosphere. The organizers of the event: the head of the "Shin Sede" group at the department of the Far East - Amirbekova U.A.; advisor of 1 year students - Sermukhametova B. B.