23rd of November , 2018 the discussion of article of President of our Government ‘Seven facets of great steppe’ was held with faculty staff and educational support staff at the military department of Kazakh National University named after Al’-Farabi .
Вefore starting a discussion , the head of military department Colonel of the Reserve O.V.Azhimov performed with the article content presentation. He noted the importance of the position of our President in recognizing and accepting its history in all its diversity and multidimensionality for educating the young generation of citizens.
The Colonel O.V.Azhimov concluded his remarks with a bright statement by the President that “Pride for the past, a pragmatic assessment of the present and a positive view towards the future are the keys to our success!”.
During the presentation of the teachers - Colonels of the Reserve, K.E.Aliyev, B.M.Ikhanbayev, lieutenant colonels V.V. Voronin. and K.E.Suyundykov emphasized the importance of knowledge of the historical past of our Motherland, the need and the obligation to explain difficult historical periods and events to young people, based on the provisions outlined in the article. These provisions are in fact the ideological platform for the development of our statehood. A deep and objective study of the history of Kazakhstan contributes to the formation of patriotic feelings among young people and fosters the pride of their homeland.
As the result of meeting, it was recommended to hold collective discussions in the training platoons and on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the materials of the article to hold a competition of student essays.