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VI Republican Forum «Men Zhastarga Senemin!
In the run-up to the Year of Youth and as part of celebration of the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the VI Republican Student Patriotic Forum entitled «Men Zhastarga Senemin!» was held in Al-Farabi KazNU.
The Forum was opened by the Conference «Youth of the Great Steppe». It was attended by over 500 students from 70 regional universities, who have passed competitive selection for the Republican Forum.
The Forum has become a significant creative platform for entire student youth of the country, timed for the Day of the First President. It is aimed at increasing patriotism and civic responsibility among young people for the future of Kazakhstan, and their involvement in the process of modernization of public consciousness. Approximately 2 thousand students from all regions of Kazakhstan have sent their applications for participation to the Organizing Committee this year.
The Program of the Forum, which has been held since 2013, traditionally includes four competitions: the best socially significant student innovation project «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of the Country»; the best essay on the topic: «What Can I do to Ensure the Prosperity of My Country?»; the best poetry works «Men Zhastarga Senemіn!»; and the best performers of the patriotic songs «Mangilik El - Muratim!».
At the grand Gala Forum organized in the U. Zholdasbekov Student Palace, the winners and awardees of the competitions were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes in a solemn setting, and the first place holders have received a grant for one year of free education in Al-Farabi KazNU.
According to the decision of the jury of experts, the first place for the best innovative project was awarded to Aynur Kuanova, student of Sh.Essenov Caspian State University of Technology and Engineering. Sundet Seitov, student of M.Saparbaev South Kazakhstan Humanitarian Institute became the winner of the poetry competition. The award for the best essay was given to Ayazhan Sagiyeva, student of M. Utemisov West Kazakhstan State University. Ruslan Tolegen, student of Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University became the owner of the Grand prix in the competition of patriotic songs.
«The President of the country has announced the next year as the Year of Youth. The state pays special attention to the problems of students, more grants are allocated for training, dormitories are being built, and we have employment and re-qualification programs and much more. Thanks to the organizers of the Forum for giving us the opportunity to show our scientific developments and demonstrate creativity. We got a good experience and made new friends. The Forum was great, special thanks to KazNU for the warm welcome. I really liked the campus, I want to apply for MA programme here and continue my studies» - shared with her impressions Aynur Kuanova. A festive concert was given for the participants of the Gala Forum by Art groups of KazNU and Kazakhstan’s popular pop stars.
The Forum was organized by Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, «Zhandanu Alemi» Foundation, youth wing of «Zhas Otan», Kazakhstan Writers Union, and «Kazakh Radiosi» with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Akimat of Almaty.