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The World of Ch. Aitmatov
International Scientific and Practical Conference “The World of Ch. Aitmatov” dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the classic of world literature, the great writer Ch. Aitmatov
On December 5-6, 2018, the Scientific and Practical Conference “The World of Chinghiz Aitmatov” was held at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The main purpose of the conference is a deep understanding of the artistic heritage of an outstanding public figure, classic of world literature, great writer Ch. Aitmatov from the point of view of modern times, identification of the main aspects and the features of his creative talent. Determination of the role and significance of the creativity of Ch. Aitmatov in the historical and cultural process at the beginning of the 21st century and the dissemination of the spiritual and ethical values in the international scientific and educational, cultural space. Identification of the place of the creativity world of Ch. Aitmatov in the world literature and its orientation role in the process of development of modern world literature. Recognition and teaching of the leadership and wise individual personality of Ch. Aitmatov in the socio-political and socio-cultural life.
The conference held in the Al-Farabi library was extensive and the significance of the reports submitted was very high. The Rector of the University G. Mutanov opened the conference with a welcoming speech, the guests from far and near abroad expressed their congratulations and words of gratitude for the invitation.
The conference guests as Aliyasbek Alymkulov (Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan), Ruslan Mamyrov (Chairman of the Kyrgyz Ethnocultural Association at the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan), Teimur Kerimli (literary figure, writer, academician of the Azerbaijan National Academy, Director of the Institute of Manuscripts of M. Fuzuli (Azerbaijan), chief researchers of the Ch. Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature NAS KR Ainura Kadyrmanbetova and Zhyldyz Turgunbayeva expressed their respect for Ch. Aitmatov, Kazakhstan, KazNU in their congratulation speeches.
The writer, public figure Rolland Seisenbayev expressed his congratulations and presented a new edition of “Goodbye, Gulsary!” translated into the Kazakh language. The presentation at the ceremony dedicated to Aitmatov showed that another masterpiece of Aitmatov was added to the spiritual world of our country.
In her report devoted to the translation and recognition of the writer's works Rakhima Abduvaliyeva, the Director of Ch. Aitmatov Academy in London, paid great attention to the world literary process and received a good assessment of the audience.
Jonathan Freyer, Lecturer at the School of Oriental and African Studies in London, Shokan Laumulin, Researcher at the University of Cambridge, Ainura Kadyrmanbetova, Chief Researcher at Ch. Aitmatov Institute of Language and Literature of Kyrgyz NAS highlighted the world significance of the artistic heritage of the writer and his role among universal spiritual values.
At the conference the honourable guests, public figures, poets and writers, teaching staff of the university worked in two sectional directions: the Great Steppe Civilization and the world of Ch. Aitmatov; Chingiz Aitmatov and the world literary process; many scientific reports, such as “The Astral Motifs of the Great Steppe in the Prose of Ch. Aitmatov”, “The Literary Heritage of the Eurasian Writer”, “The Spiritual World of Ch. Aitmatov”, “The Truth of Life in the novel by Ch. Aitmatov “Jamilya”, etc. were presented.
The organizers of the conference: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Ch. Aitmatov Academy (United Kingdom), University of London (United Kingdom), Writers Union of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan), M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art MES RK (Kazakhstan) used all the possibilities for the purpose of holding the event at a high level.