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Bioenergetics based on phototrophic microorganisms
At the faculty of biology and biotechnology of al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the joint participation of Professor from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University Ifkhan Suleyman oglu Allahverdiyev and Professor of the faculty of science from Tokyo University Tatsuya Tomo held the international scientific seminar "Bioenergetics on the basis of phototrophic microorganisms". The seminar was organized in the framework of the priority direction of development of science "Science of life and health" and initiated by a research group under the guidance of Professor of biotechnology department Zayadan B.K.
At the seminar with welcoming speech and presentation "Microalgae biotechnology" the Dean of the faculty of biology and biotechnology, Professor Zayadan Bolatkhan noted in his report the relevance and prospects of bioenergetics development in the world. Doctor of biological science, Professor Zayadan B.K. is a well-known scientist in Kazakhstan engaged in this scientific direction. He created a new scientific school for Kazakhstan in the direction of "Phototrophic microorganisms, their application in biotechnology and bioenergetics" and under his leadership in the Research Institute of biology and biotechnology of al-Farabi KazNU functions the laboratory of biotechnology.
The report of Professor Allakhverdiev S.I. was on the topic "Alternative energy based on photosynthesis". He is one of the most cited professors in the world of modern Russian scientists in the field of biology. Currently, Allakhverdiyev S.I. is the head of the laboratory of controlled photobiosynthesis of Plant Physiology Institute of RAS, the chief researcher of the Institute of fundamental problems of biology of RAS, Professor of the Moscow Institute of physics and technology and head of the laboratory of "Bionanotechnology" in the Molecular biology and biotechnology Institute (Baku, Azerbaijan). His report was devoted to a new direction of research in the field of nanobiotechnology, in particular, the system of artificial photosynthesis using protein structures to produce molecular hydrogen as an alternative source of energy and the use of photosynthetic cultures for biofuel production.
The report of Professor Tatsuya Tomo was dedicated to "New Chlorophyll properties in photosynthetic reaction". Tatsuya Tomo is a well-known scientist in the field of bioenergetics, author of more than 100 articles (h-index in the web of science – 22 and Scopus-21) published in international peer-reviewed journals, Doctor and Professor of the faculty of natural Sciences Department I, Liberal arts (Faculty of Science Division I, Liberal Arts) of Tokyo University of Science. In the report he announced the main properties and importance of pigments of photosynthetic microorganisms in the production of bioenergy, in particular the role of photosystem I and photosystem II in the production of biohydrogen.
Teachers of biotechnology department and young scientists of laboratory of biotechnology made a speech at a scientific seminar: PhD Usserbayeva A.A. ,PhD doctoral candidates Kossalbayev B.D. and Huma Balouch, and also the 2 year master student Akhmetkaliyeva A.E. in the direction use of phototrophic microorganisms in biotechnology.
The scientific seminar allowed the participants to comprehensively discuss the issues of the new industry, which is a modern bioenergy, the development of which requires maximum attention of scientists working in the field of fundamental and applied research. And in the end, further plans of international cooperation were discussed, the participants of the seminar discussed the possibility of holding an international conference in Kazakhstan in 2020 dedicated to the problems and development of bioenergy.