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Match of customs officers
On December 5, 2018, the Department of customs, financial and environmental law of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a friendly football meeting between the teams of the law falculty and the State Revenue Department in Almaty, dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the formation of the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Such sport meetings of students and teachers with employers of the department holds annually. The teams demonstrated excellent physical fitness, athletic spirit and desire to win. In a stubborn wrestling competition, the law faculties football team won. The team of the State Revenue Department in Almaty was awarded with letters of thanks and memorable souvenirs.
On December 12, 1991, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 539, was formed the Customs Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On this day - December 12 - the professional holiday is celebrated - the Day of the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Having passed the difficult and controversial way of becoming and development, the customs service on the territory of Kazakhstan acquires clear outlines only with the formation of an independent state - the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Today, the customs service of our country has important tasks - ensuring economic interests and protecting the country's economic security in the context of Kazakhstan’s membership in the Eurasian Economic Union and the World Trade Organization. These tasks are entrusted to professional customs officers, who are trained by the Department of customs, financial and environmental law of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University in accordance with international standards for the training of customs officers. It is not by chance that in the Eurasian Union the training of professional customs officers is determined as a necessary condition for the functioning of the EAEU customs union. In the framework of the Eurasian network university, it is planned to create a Network customs institute, which will include higher education and research organizations, customs authorities and participants in foreign economic activities of the EAEU member countries, including Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.