Yem Natalia, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of the Far East, as a member of the Presidium of the Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan took part in Korea – Central Asia Special Forum for Issue of Koryoin: Extensive Issue and Future Aspect and gave a public lecture for students of the Institute of Central Asian Studies in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.
Korean Studies in Kazakhstan are represented by the scientific school of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Kim German. The main direction of the research of the scientific school is diasporology as a science on the example of the Korean diaspora of Kazakhstan. In recent years, the number of Koreans of the CIS countries had moved to South Korea has sharply increased to 80 thousand people. This issue was discussed by Korean studies researchers of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and representatives of Association of Koreans of Kazakhstan headed by its President Sergey Ogai. The forum was organized by the Institute of Central Asian Studies, headed by its director Professor Yeung-young. The forum was attended by scientists, diplomats, public figures. The forum received wide media coverage in Korea and Kazakhstan.
Not less interesting event was a two-hour lecture at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies which is a partner University of Al-Farabi KazNU. More than 50 students attended a lecture on the theme “Ethnic solidarity of Kazakhstani Koreans as a mechanism of upward mobility”, and also learned about the possibilities given by new Master’s and Doctoral educational programs at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.