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Innovations in the management of quality education
Integration in education reflects the trends that characterize all areas of human activity today. This also applies to the problems of improving the quality of education, and above all innovations that improve the educational process of higher education. In order to integrate the efforts of scientists and undergraduates exploring the issues of quality management in education from the point of view of different humanitarian areas of science and practice on December 7, 2018 on the basis of the Situational Management Center of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi (Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, together with the Department of Management and Marketing) organized a discussion platform in the framework of the research and innovation project "Al-Farabi university - smart city" on the theme "Innovations in quality management of higher education. " The program of the site initiated the presentations of scientists and undergraduates, discussion of issues: Innovative Model University-4.0: the experience of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, approaches to innovations in the field of improving the quality of education, technology and quality management procedures of higher education, etc. The speakers were: Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management Magauova A.S. “Innovative University model - 4.0: the experience of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University", Head of the Department of Management and Marketing Turginbaeva A.N. “The use of blockchain technologies in the quality management of education in Kazakhstan”, Professor of the Department of Management and Marketing Kazbekov B.K. "The quality of specialist training as the goal of innovation management in the field of education", Chief Specialist of the Methodical Work and Educational Technologies Service Kaliyeva A.A., “Some Aspects of Modernizing Educational Programs of KazNU”, Director of Center Situational Management Ishanov E.Kh. “On the Activity of the Situational Management Center of the Kazakh National University: Practical Experience in Implementing Innovations at the University”. Organizers were: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting Associate Professor Onalbekov E.S., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Magauova A.S., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting professor Kasen G.A., undergraduates of the 2nd course of the specialties "Pedagogy and Psychology", "Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge", "Innovative Management", "Management", "Marketing" and "State and Municipal Management". The event was also attended and actively participated in the discussion by representatives of other structural divisions of the university, in particular, the Department for Educational Work in the person of Abishev T.B., the Department for Academic Affairs in the person of Baygaraev N.А.
As a result of the discussions of the stated topics, a resolution was adopted:
1. On the need for further interaction of scientists in various fields of science in the implementation of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Innovative Model University 4.0, the creation of interdisciplinary projects in this direction.
2. On the relevance of the implementation of information systems Al-Farabi KazNU using blockchain technologies in education quality management (for example, open access of investors to students' design work)
3. On the development of a set of measures for the modernization of educational programs of the Kazakh National University with the active participation of undergraduates and doctoral students of the university (the question of transferring certain educational programs to modular training, the participation of students in evaluating learning outcomes)