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Al-Farabi Center has been launched in Egypt
Within the framework of the implementation of the President’s program «Rukhani Zhangiru» and the article «Seven Facets of the Great Steppe», Al-Farabi Kazakh National University has launched Al-Farabi Scientific and Educational Center at Cairo University, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Arab Republic of Egypt.
The international scientific workshop «Al-Farabi’s Philosophical Heritage» was timed to the opening of the Center. Farabiologists, philosophers of Cairo University, Rector of KazNU academician Galym Mutanov, Ambassador of the RK to Egypt Arman Issagaliyev made presentations on the heritage of the great thinker of the East and about the relevance of his ideas in the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. Rector of the leading Kazakhstani University spoked about the progress of the joint international project of KazNU with the UN Alliance of Civilizations «Formation of Citizens of a Virtuous Society. Mission of Modern Universities», which is based on the ideas of great thinker Al-Farabi about the virtuous city. Moreover, he has expressed his confidence that Al-Farabi Center in Cairo University will serve as an exemplary platform for studying and promoting the heritage of not only Al-Farabi and Sultan Beybars, but also common historical and cultural values of two friendly countries. Upon the initiative of Kazakhstan’s Embassy in Egypt, in current year the discipline on the study of Kazakh language will be introduced for the first time into the curriculum of Cairo University.
During the course of the visit, the Kazakhstani delegation held a constructive dialogue with the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmad Al-Tayeb, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, Chairman of the Committee for Education and Scientific Research of the ARE Parliament Sami Hashim, Rector of Cairo University Mohammed Osman Al-Hosht and the Chief Editor of the Al-«Gomhuriya» newspaper Abdel-Razek Taufik. During the meetings there were discussed issues on further strengthening of the mutually beneficial cooperation on joint trainings of specialists, implementation of academic exchange programs, scientific internships for undergraduates and doctoral students, the trainings for academic staff, the development of scientific and educational programs as well as the introduction of courses on Farabi studies. A particularly important point of the visit was the agreement on opening of a branch of Al-Farabi KazNU in Egypt. The parties also expressed their readiness to work together on the preparation and holding of the 1150th Anniversary of the great thinker Al-Farabi in 2020.
The documentary crew of the famous film maker S.Azimov as part of KazNU delegation has visited the historical and cultural buildings in Egypt (the Mosque and Library of Sultan Beibars and other places) in order to collect video materials for the full-length documentary films about Al-Farabi and Sultan Beibars, which is currently is in production.