
Within the bounds of “a year of Germany in Kazakhstan 2010” there will be Central Asian congress “Education in development” held on October 20-22nd.


The international educational congress is held for the first time in Central Asia, directed to integrate an educational system of Central Asia and Europe, adaptation of educational programs to the globalization conditions.

The educational congress realizes one of the most important directions of the European Union’s strategy among Central Asia accepted in 2007- the educational sphere.

The educational congress prosecutes by the main tasks of the governmental program of the Republic of Kazakhstan –“The way to Europe”, accepted in 2008.

The educational congress states the opportunities and the potential of the Central Asia in the educational development so on human advantage, as it is indicated in the Program of the Kazakhstan’s representation in OSCE in 2010. The educational congress realizes the task of the third basket of OSCE and the liberal dimension of OSCE.

In the course of the educational congress scholars and experts from Central Asia, Europe will consider the different aspects of the high and average education. They will discuss the results of educational changes in their countries, which were held in the past 20 years, and the modern demands stated by time.

The educational projects, realizing by the support of European Union in central Asian and European countries, the new educational strategy of the EC for Central Asia will be presented on the congress. The special attention will be given to the foreign languages’ development on the example of studying the German, issues of MCM and the preparation of specialists in the sphere of international journalism and global history. It is supposed to discuss the experience of foundation and structure of the “international relations” and “region studies” specializations’ development in Kazakhstan, which is held to the 15th year of the international relations faculty of Kazakh National University after al Farabi.

Within the bounds of the congress the 12th German language teachers’ national convention will be held on October 20th, 2010.

The congress is accompanied by cultural program: the concert of Kazakhstan musical ensemble “Turan”. Zveta Safronieva the owner of the German award after Albert von Shamisso, 2009 will present her own writings in front of congress’s participants.

The initiative and the congress’s organizers:

Goethe institute (Kazakhstan), Institute named after Goethe (Uzbekistan) and Kazakh national university after Al Farabi.

Central Asian educational congress is held on the basis of Kazakh National University.

The idea and the ”Education in development” congress’s conception is supported by German Ministry of Education and Kazakhstan Department of Education and Science, Foreign Ministries of Germany and Kazakhstan.

The aim of the Congress:

- Discussion of problem questions in sphere of the higher and secondary education by scientists, teachers, experts from the countries of the Central Asia, Germany, Switzerland, EU;

- An exchange of experience and achievements of high schools and establishments of formation of Kazakhstan, CA, the far abroad;

- Discussion of prospects on a cooperation excavation in the sphere of education and development of educational Strategy with participation of experts from CA and Federal Republic Germany.

Participants (more than 200 people): scientists, teachers, experts of the higher and high school, experts in an education sphere from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, EU, etc. the countries.

Congress work will pass in six sections:

№ 1 «Education in development»

№ 2 «Developments at schools»

№ 3 «Developments at universities»

№ 4 «the External world and formation integration», it is devoted to the 15th year of the international relations faculty of the KazNU after al-Farabi.

№ 5 «Training during life»

№ 6 «EU – projects in the Central Asia»

Venue: faculty of the international relations (the NATO Center; the American Resource center; the Center of the European information; 508 aud; computer halls; a reading room / the press/); chemical faculty (plenary sessions «the Malachite hall») and journalism faculty.

For more information please contact

The information: the Kazakh National University after al-Farabi:

Ph.: 007/727/3922262/-65/;/59/( 13-33, 13-34; 13-36)

The request, on questions to address:

Prof. Gubaidullina Mara Shaukatovna (FIR): 13-34; 13-36

a.p. Alipbaev Amangeldy Rahmetoldanovich (FIR): 13-36

k.h.s. Nurdavletova Saniya Moryakovna (FIR): 13-36

The information: Goethe Institute (Almaty)

Goethe-Institut Almaty

Dzhandosova 2

050040 Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ph.: 007/727/3922259/-63/-65/;

Fax +7-727-39222 72

The request, on questions to address:

Susanne Becker, the Principal of language department

Anna Melnik, the Reviewer of department of pedagogical cooperation

The information:

On the site of Goethe institute you can familiarize with the actual program: