From 17 – 18 January 2019, the Republic of Korea held an international scientific conference under the auspices of the " New Understanding and Utilization of Local Culture Resources "at the Andong state University in Andong. 12 reports were presented at the conference, including speakers from Japan, China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.
The main theme of the reports was devoted to the cultural heritage of their people or country of residence. Report of the senior lecturer of the Far East Department of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University Pak Tatyana Nikolaevna on "Traditional Custom of Koryoun that influenced the Education of Youth" aroused great interest in the report. The opponent, Professor of the London national University, Director of the research center of culture PYA Yong Dong in his speech noted that until today no one has considered traditional rituals from the point of view of pedagogy. Professor PYA Yong Dong believes that this report is a novelty in the system of research of cultural values. Cultural anthropologist, professor of the Andong national University Lee Jon Yk, professor Seoul national University Hee Sien-Hee, professor of Mongolian national University Shouldensure, professor of the Chinese state University Enben Pak Kym Heh took an active part in the discussion of this report.