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Appeal of KazNU’s Students to the Youth of Kazakhstan
We are the students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, appeal to all the youth of the country! Kazakhstan has entered the Year of Youth, and this is a manifestation of the great and special care of the Head of the State about the younger generation, which is the future of our country. It is on young people that great hopes and responsibility are placed on strengthening the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, forming an intellectual nation and raising the bar of national competitiveness at the world level.
The Year of Youth has been announced, now it is up to us! We should not wait for the state to do something for us. Everyone should ask themselves: «What can I do for the country? ». Every year almost 200 thousand students graduate from the Universities in Kazakhstan. But with what baggage of knowledge do they come into life and how active is their citizenship? It is important that they get the necessary competencies to create jobs themselves. Since the prosperity of our country depends on what contribution they make to the development of Kazakhstan’s society. In the condition of a post-industrial society, the competitiveness of states is determined by high technology and innovation. As the President highlighted, Kazakhstan needs a creative generation that will raise science and innovations and create Industry 4.0. It is only in this way the development of the country in accordance with global technological trends and its competitiveness on the world stage can be ensured. As practice shows, the involvement of young people in the development of the knowledge economy contributes to the creation of platforms aimed at identifying and supporting new ideas, thoughts and innovations. For instance, in order to stimulate the intellectual and creative potential of talented young people, Al-Farabi KazNU has been implementing for six years a project to organize competitions for the Best Young Scientist, for the Best Student Innovation Project and a Start-up on the topic: «My Real Contribution to the Innovative Development of Kazakhstan», for the Best Essays and Poetic Work – «What Can I Do for the Prosperity of My Country» and the Best Patriotic Song: «Mangilik El - Muratim». The results of the competitions will have been summed up by the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Over the past 6 years, this project has demonstrated high efficiency, relevance and interest among students of the country. Based on this experience, in order to form a National Youth Movement under the motto: «Creativity and the Energy of Youth Towards the Country’s Innovative Development! » we propose to spread the practice of holding these competitions annually among all the youth of the country. We are confident that the implementation of this project on the scale of all of Kazakhstan on a systematic annual basis will ensure a constant influx of new ideas, projects and creative initiatives by young people, will contribute to the formation of its entrepreneurial competencies and motivate young people to create their own innovative enterprises in the future. If each University, enterprise and region joins this project, the innovative youth movement will become truly massive and will have a powerful stimulating effect in the development of the knowledge economy. We hope that the best initiatives of young people will be supported at all levels by government bodies. We are very pleased with the instructions of the President to create a Fund to support youth start-ups and appeal to business structures to establish grants to help talented young people to implement their ideas. All this will contribute to creating a favorable innovation environment in society and turning the creativity and energy of young people into a powerful creative force!
We urge the country's youth to join the movement «Creativity and the Energy of Youth Towards the Country’s Innovative Development! » and to direct all their knowledge, skills and creativity to the development and implementation of creative ideas, projects and innovations. The breakthrough of Kazakhstan among the 30 most developed countries of the world entirely depends on us. The future of the country is in our hands!