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Modern Methods in Teaching Arab Language
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Faculty of Oriental Studies is the only structural subdivision that facilitates large-scale events within the framework of the “Ruhani Zhangyru” program of President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
February 16, 2019 in the library of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University the grand opening of the republican seminar "Modern methods of teaching the Arabic language" was held in conjunction with the Faculty of Oriental Studies of the Kazakh National University and the unique religious school "Nur-Mubarak" and Kazakh Ablai Khan university of international relations and world languages.
The seminar, scheduled for February 16-23, began with a welcome speech of the dean of the faculty, PhD Y.M. Paltore Speaking about the importance of learning modern language, including teaching modern language skills, the dean of the faculty shared his views and suggestions at the seminar.
Zhalgas Sandybayev, head of the department of educational and methodological management of Nur-Mubarak University, which contributes to the organization of the Winter School, said that it is necessary to develop modern methods of teaching Arabic language skills to create the correct principles of Islam and religious values.
The dean of the faculty of Arabic studies at the Nur-Mubarak University, Adam Mahmoud, said that a unique program is being created to teach the best methods of teaching the Arabic language in Kazakhstani universities.
Dr. Randa Rizk, director of the Egyptian Cultural Center, expressed her gratitude to the heads of the universities that participated in the seminar. During the seminar, the teacher of Al-Farabi KazNU, Dr. Sabri Muaz, read a lecture entitled “The importance of training for teachers”. Also assistant professor of Kazakh Ablai Khan university of international relations and world languages, Dina Esenzhan read a lecture on the topic “Features of simultaneous translation and general trends in the development of professional skills” and shared with her experience.
The end of the seminar was completed with the exhibition “Great people - in archival documents”, which was organized by the Central State Archive. The manuscripts of the medieval scholar Nasr al-Din Tusi, rare manuscripts written in Arabic and the geographical map of the ancient Kazakh steppes by an unknown author, aroused the interest of the participants in the Arabic language to the exhibition.
The educational event, which lasts a week, will be attended by teachers of secondary schools and madrasas and students of the country.