A meeting of students of the specialty "Geodesy and Cartography" with the regional representative for Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Central Asia "HERE Technologies" Azhar Nurtazina took place at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
At the joint event, there was presented a presentation about the international student competition in the field of digital cartography “Community Challenge 2019” - Digital Cartography and Science.
The gist of the student competition is to perform processing of digital maps of a particular locality in the program Map Creator during the internship. On the instructions of the moderator, students must digitize up to 5,000 points of the given terrain map and upon completion of the practice and successful delivery of work to the moderator, students receive certificates.
If a student digitizes up to 7,000 points or more during the internship, then the company will recommend him to participate in an international competition in the field of digitalization, which will be held in 2019 in Sochi, with coverage of all financial costs.
While participating in an international competition on digitalization, students will have the opportunity to communicate with students from other countries via mobile applications, where they can ask questions to each other, not only in the area of assignments, but also on various other topics.
In conclusion, the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics and the representative of HERE Technologies, Azhar Nurtazina, reached an agreement on joint cooperation in the preparation of competitive specialists in the labor market in the field of digital cartography
Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics