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Japanese Speech Contest
KazNU traditionally hosted the Japanese Speech Contest in Kazakhstan.
The competition, organized by the Embassy of Japan in Kazakhstan, the Association of Japanese Teachers of Kazakhstan, and Al-Farabi KazNU, is a testament to the close diplomatic relations between Japan and Kazakhstan. The Japanese Association in Kazakhstan, Japanese Association of Entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan-Japanese Center for Human Development, and the Japan Foundation sponsored this Competition. Tsukuba University, «Terakoya» Public Association, «Sony Electronics» Company, and the Kazakhstan's New & Rare Resources Limited Liability Partnership have greatly supported the event.
Speaking at the event, KazNU’s Rector G. Mutanov thanked the organizers and sponsors and wished them good luck.
The Competition was attended by more than ten participants from Al-Farabi KazNU, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Ablai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, and Kazakhstan-Japanese Center for Human Development.
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Japan to Kazakhstan Tatsuhiko Kasai, Chairman of the Japanese Association of Kazakhstan M. Hirosuke, Chairman of the Association of Japanese Entrepreneurs in Kazakhstan M.Toshiaki and teachers of Japanese language acted as the judges in the contest.
At the result of the Competions, the main prize was given to the student of KazNU, Baltabai Sandigash, who won the trip to Japan, the 2nd place was awarded to the student of Abylai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages Seifullaev Yernur, 3rd place was taken also by KazNU’s student Gulden Tapenova, and the Batyrkhan Kurmanseit’s special prize was given to Bakhitkeldi Saulet. At the end of the Competition the other participants, the winners in various nominations, were also awarded valuable prizes.