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New Generation University
The delegation of Al-Farabi KazNU headed by Rector, Academician Galym Mutanov, took part in the International Forum «Universities, Society and the Future of Humanity», which was held at M.Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, RF). The speech of the Head of the leading Kazakhstani University on the topic «University of New Generation: 4.0 Trajectory» aroused great interest among the Forum participants.
The Forum was attended by over a thousand rectors of leading Russian and foreign Universities, representatives of international organizations, prominent government officials and experts from Japan, France, Germany, the Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Greece, China, Kazakhstan, Iran, Egypt, and other countries.
They discussed important issues of development of higher education and the role of HEI’s in the harmonization of the global scientific and educational, technological and humanitarian space in the era of globalization and contemporary challenges.
Plenary sessions of the Forum were devoted to the discussion of the historical role of universities in the scientific, educational and cultural development of humanity, as well as overcoming the global challenges of our time.
Opening the event, Rector of M.Lomonosov MSU, President of the Eurasian Association of Universities, academician V.A. Sadovnichy emphasized the important mission of Universities in society. «It is necessary to fully develop humanitarian education, which through the attention to history, culture, native language and art can balance the moral and spiritual distortions that inevitably arise in globalization», - he noted.
The presentation made by Rector of the leading University in Kazakhstan – Al-Farabi KazNU – Academician Galym Mutanov, who spoke about the experience of forming a new generation university model aroused vivid interest. «The model of the fourth generation university was developed on the basis of international experience and it is based on a symbiosis of high-tech and spiritual-moral platforms. It is aimed at shaping the social responsibility of the younger generation as citizens of the world for building a more virtuous and sustainable society», - said the Rector. He highlighted that the implementation of this model finds its practical implementation in KazNU through the project «Al-Farabi University - Smart City». The Forum participants supported the proposed model and noted its relevance and urgency.
In the framework of the Forum were also held a Congress of the Eurasian Association of Universities, and the signing of Memorandums on cooperation in the field of science and education.