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I International Congress on Laboratory Medicine: «Laboratory Diagnosis in Clinical Medicine: Traditions and Innovations»
Al-Farabi KazNU hold the 1st International Congress on Laboratory Medicine: «Laboratory Diagnostics in Clinical Medicine: Traditions and Innovations» as a part of the VI Farabi Readings, organized by the Faculty of Medicine and Health of Al-Farabi KazNU together with NGO «Central Asian Association of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics and Expertise», ALE «Association of Laboratory Medicine and Expertise» and the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics of «NMU».
The Congress program was devoted to a number of modern areas of Laboratory Medicine from the perspective of interdisciplinary approaches and integral technologies in laboratory diagnostics, as well as the integration of laboratory medicine with clinical medicine.
Representatives of public associations, business community, scientists and experts, government bodies from the health sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the scientists from the near and distant countries, were widely represented at the Congress. The Congress was attended by 380 people, including specialists from the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Belgium, and France, as well as representatives of the WHO European Bureau. An International Exhibition of equipment, instruments, consumables, and reagents for laboratory diagnostics was held within the framework of the Congress.
48 reports were presented at the Congress. The managerial, scientific and practical issues of introducing advanced achievements of world laboratory medicine in pediatrics, immunology, allergology, reproduction and urology, gastroenterology and other areas of clinical medicine were discussed. Special attention was paid to the organizational and legal issues of laboratory support of medical care, undergraduate and postgraduate training of specialists, the system of qualification assessment used today for specialists with medical and non-medical education, the development of professional standards and educational programs. The participants of the Congress highlighted the development of a unique structure of laboratory medicine in Kazakhstan, which is introducing international standards, high technology, and also reforming the structure of service in organizational, legislative, educational forms of activity, taking into account its increased material and technical potential in recent years.
Two round table discussions were held within the framework of the Congress. During the round table discussion «Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Problems & Solutions» the issue of the Reference Laboratory on parenteral and viral hepatitis on the basis of the Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Expertise was thoroughly reviewed. The discussion was attended by leading experts of the Republican Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS, the Kazakhstan Association for the Study of the Liver, the Department of Laboratory Diagnostics of «NMU», the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, the Kazakhstan Association of Medical Laboratories, the Kazakhstan Association of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics, the Association of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics and Expertise, the Central Asian Association of Medical Laboratory Diagnostics and Examinations, the Scientific and Production Center of Transphysiology, Scientific and Practical Center for Sanitary-Epidemiological Examination and Monitoring, private medical organizations, laboratories «CDL OLIMP», «INVITRO-Kazakhstan», representatives of the laboratory community of the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation, as well as WHO experts.
The round table on the «Problems of Expertise and Regulation in the field of Control» was attended by representatives of Public Health Committee of Ministry of Health of the RK, Coordination Department of Compulsory Insurance of the RK, Pharmacy Committee of the Ministry of Health of the RK, Medical Insurance Fund, Department of Medical Care of the Ministry of Health of the RK, AIELE «Association of Almaty Clinics», RPA «Kazakhstan Alliance of Medical Organizations», ALE «Kazakhstan Association of Private Medical Structures», ALE «Eurasian Medical Association», RPA «Kazakhstan Society of Hematology Doctors», LLP «Salauatty Astana», ALE «KAMLAB», «Kazakhstan Association of Medical Companies For Quality Medical Services», «KARM», RPA «National Medical Association», NGO «TSAMLDE», and ALE «ALME».
A master class on the topic of «External and Internal Quality Control in Coagulology: Problems & Ways of its Solution» was held within the framework of the International Congress.
According to the results of the Congress, a number of important decisions were made concerning organizational, legal, methodological, scientific, innovative and educational issues in the field of laboratory medicine aimed at improving the quality of medical care. In particular, proposals were made to improve the organization of laboratory diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and hepatitis of infectious etiology.
The work of the Congress was marked by signing a Memorandum of Intent on joint activities to create a Single Eurasian Federation of Laboratory Medicine (SEFLM) by representatives of government agencies, public associations and business in the field of laboratory medicine in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Belarus and the Russian Federation with an intent to develop scientific and technical programs and projects, as well as offering support for subjects of clinical laboratory diagnostics.
The selected Conference materials will be published in the journal «Ulagatty Medicine».