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Microsoft IT Academy Opens at KazNU
The opening ceremony of the Microsoft IT Academy was held at Al-Farabi KazNU. The Ceremony was attended by the General Manager of Microsoft for the countries of the region of Central and Eastern Europe Anke den Auden and the first Vice-Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, Doctor of Chemistry, Professor Mukhambetli Burkitbayev.
Microsoft IT Academy is a Microsoft technology learning platform that is designed to train students and teachers. With the opening of the Academy, training courses in the specialties of the Faculty of Information Technology and the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics will be revised to provide students with serious practical skills in working with Microsoft technologies and products and further certification.
«We are pleased that within the premises of the educational and scientific complex of the oldest Kazakhstani University, an advanced IT Academy of the world leader in digital technologies began its work. Participating in the IT Academy program will help the University be recognized as a provider of high-quality education on the latest Microsoft technologies for industry professionals, prospective students and other stakeholders in the academic ecosystem», - said Mukhambetli Burkitbayev.
Microsoft IT Academy of KazNU offers training programs and certification for students and teachers, which are necessary to achieve success in a technology-oriented economy. Courses are developed in the following areas: computer science; IT infrastructure; data processing and analysis; and performance.
Anke den Auden said: «Higher education should take into account trends in the development of an economy based on technology and help students create new opportunities for the future. These are investments that will allow young professionals to think differently, develop skills to effectively solve complex social problems. Microsoft Imagine Academy is a comprehensive technological educational solution that will help Kazakhstani students express a modern vision of how technology can improve the quality of life in general, as well as support them in the creation of innovative machines, materials and systems».
The IT Academy Microsoft of KazNU will allow teachers to access a variety of on-line courses about Microsoft technologies, include up-to-date information in training courses, and students will be able to get certified and receive world-recognized Microsoft certificates.