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Competition of SBI Innovative Projects
The «Farabi Alemi» International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students that took place within the framework of the VI International Farabi Readings of KazNU has finished its work. More than 6000 participants participated in its work, among them - speakers from the USA, Poland, Germany, Turkey, Japan, Korea, Estonia and the CIS countries.
The winners of the Conference Sessions from the Faculties as well as the Competition of Innovative Projects of Student Business Incubators have been awarded at the Closing Ceremony of «Farabi Alemi» International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Students.
It should be noted that during the Exhibition of the Student Business Incubator (SBI) of the Faculties, the Working Committee and guests of the event were able to evaluate the work provided by the participants. For instance, the team of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology has created a project «ISISFISH», which is aimed at breeding juvenile fish fry for commercial structures. Students breed fry in the Faculty Laboratory for several farms of the Almaty region. As students of the project, G.Fomin, J.Kumarbekov and L.Kim, said, «telepia is omnivorous and with highly productive hybridization. «For a couple of individuals, the consumption of feed, water and electricity is 2000 tenge for 22 days. Net income for two fish will be seven thousand tenge».
Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU Galym Mutanov emphasized in his speech at the Сlosing Ceremony, the role of young people in science, who are capable of creating breakthrough innovative projects and generating new ideas.
In KazNU great attention is paid to the implementation of scientific potential of young scientists. Thus, over the years, 10% of the total grant funding of University research projects has been allocated to attract students. Last year this was amounted to 240 million tenge.
This year, the best projects were selected for the Exhibition of Innovative Projects of Student Business Incubators. «The competition involved more than 75 innovative projects. Thus, young talents, with the support of the University since their student time have been contributing to the development of an innovative high-tech economy in Kazakhstan», - highlighted Tlekkabul Ramazanov, Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities.
According to the results of the Competition, the authors of nine projects have been recognized as winners. They are awarded with Diplomas and cash Certificates. In particular, the First Degree Diploma and the prize in the amount of 150 thousand tenge is awarded to students of the Faculty of Physics and Technology of Al-Farabi KazNU, Tamerlan Ibraimov, Sultan Үsenhan, Dinara Dosmukhanova and Dias Elubaev for the project «Prototype of an Electric Vehicle and Transport Infrastructure of Al-Farabi Smart University». The holders of diplomas of the second and third degrees have received 100 thousand and 75 thousand tenge. They are students of the Faculties of Philology and World Languages, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, students of the Institute of Biological Sciences at the Scientific and Technological Park, students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, the Faculties of Geography and Nature Management and Biology and Biotechnology.
These events that were held in the framework of the biennium of the program «Ruhani Zhangiru» and the Year of Youth, have become an important part of the VI International Farabi Readings, which take place in KazNU from April 2 to 12. During this period, more than a hundred conferences, seminars, workshops and lectures were organized.