As part of career guidance, teachers of the Far East Department held an event for schoolchildren "Mysterious Japan." The event was attended by high school students of Almaty and students of the Japanese studies department.
At the beginning of the event, first-year students introduced the Far East department, the Japanese studies department. Then the freshmen held a quiz about Japan for high school students. Schoolchildren actively answered questions, showed great interest in the land of the rising sun. Pupils who answered correctly to more questions were presented with Japanese souvenirs. In the continuation of the event, first-year student Rakhmankulov Arthur sang a song in Japanese. After his speech, high school students shared their impressions, they really liked the sound of the Japanese language. At the end of the event, the students watched a video about learning opportunities in Japan. After watching the video, high school students were able to get answers to their questions about Japan.
In general, the event was successful, as evidenced by the manifestation of the interest of schoolchildren, some of them even expressed a desire to enter the faculty of oriental studies and learn Japanese.