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Subject Olympiad
The XI Republican subject Olympiad in the specialty of political science was held at the department of "Political science and political technologies" of KazNu Al-Farabi. In total, 13 teams from three cities of Kazakhstan took part in the competition.
The Olympiad was held in three rounds:
1. Welcome commands
2. Intellectual game
3. debate
In the first round, the teams needed to prepare in advance a video on the topic “Politics, as a profession and vocation” in which they presented their teams, and also showed their vision of the profession “Political Scientist”.
In the second round was an intellectual game. Each team in turn selected cells with questions in different categories. The questions were compiled in three languages and were divided according to the levels of difficulty. 6 teams passed the final and scored the most points in the first and second rounds. In the final, political debates were held among the leaders of the teams.
The victory was won by the team “New Kazakhstan”, formed by 2 nd year students of KazNu.
The winners, as well as all the teams that took part in the Olympiad, were awarded certificates and gifts from the Department of Political Science and Political Technologies of KazNu.
The Olympiad was very dynamic and interesting, and also left positive impressions of the students.
The holding of the annual Republican Olympiad in the specialty "Political Science" on the basis of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU. Al-Farabi has become a tradition and is of great importance. Every year the number of teams wishing to take part in the Olympiad is increasing and it is taking on an increasing scale.
Participation in the Olympiad improves the professional knowledge of future political scientists, helps to reveal the creative abilities of students, generates interest in the studied subject and the chosen profession.
Вepartment of рolitical science and political technologies