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Photo Expedition to Eastern Kazakhstan
The republican photo-blogging tour - «Sacred Altai: Berel-2019» - was held in the Eastern Kazakhstan region. The republican public association «Photo-oner», the media holding «Shygys Akparat», the state historical and cultural reservation «Berel» and the journalism faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU, supported the event. Teachers and students of KazNU, young scientists, attended it.
On the first day, members of the expedition were acquainted with the Ethnoaul Park in Ust-Kamenogorsk. The complex occupied the left wing of Irtysh. After a trip to the unique complex, the master class of master-photographer «National Geographic Qazaqstan» Magazine Erbolat Shadrachov and veteran photographer of «Egemen Kazakhstan» Nurmanbet Kizatuly and other professional photographers with participation of young people interested in photography in the East, was held at the Ust-Kamenogorsk's «Composers’ Avenue». Those people, who actively participated in the event and who responded correctly to questions related to photography were given presents on behalf of PA «Photo-oner».
Asylkhan Abdraiym, the Chairman of the Republican public association «Photo-oner», the teacher of journalism faculty of KazNU, who has gathered the youth who are interested in photo Art and headed them to the East, said: «This year has been announced as a «Year of Youth». In view of this initiative, we have come here with the «Sacred Altai» photo expedition. The vast majority of our participants are young photographers, including talented young people who have recently become popular in public and social networks.
«Our goal is to capture the sacred places of the Eastern region, including the «Berel» State Historical and Cultural Reservation Museum by the eyes of young photographers, and to present it as a photo exhibition in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, and Almaty in the future and contribute to the tourism industry in this region. In a word, it is important to introduce the region with such a wonderful historical place to the country and to the world», - he said.
The photo blogging tourists have visited such villages as Targyn, Sarybel, and Ulken Naryn before they reached the Austrian highway at «Katon-Karagai» State National Park. They have also seen the big and small rivers and settlements, mountain gorges and potholes like the Altai Mountains.
PhD Student of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU, Doszhan Balabekuky, who has participated in the event, said: «Berel is a mysterious place, which combines the mystery of the two epochs. It is a valley of the kings, which is surrounded by mountains, Form Rivers and thick woods. All of it is a miracle nature of «Berel», which is still out of our comprehension. That is why, active youth from every corner of our country have gathered here to get acquainted with this place. Our aim is to take professional photographs and introduce them to the public in order to show that «Berel» is a unique tourist destination», - he shared with his impressions from the visit to such a special place.
This trip covers both history and nature. The fourth day of the trip continued with a visit to the lake Karakol at the foot of the famous Muztau. The trip started at dawn. At first, according to the schedule, the team members have met at the «Berel» State Historical and Cultural Reservation-Museum. The museum management awarded participants of the trip.
On the last day of the photo tour «The Sacred Altai: Berel-2019», the participants visited the settlement of Katon-Karagai district. It was the last point of the tour, but it was a real working day for photographers, since the territory of the area is covered by picturesque seen. Therefore, it was important to take a picture from every point.
On the same day, the staff of the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reservation «Berel» did not want to say goodbye to their guests, since they have get along with members of the Public Association «Photo-oner» within a week. They have said that their doors are always open to welcome them again. Wishing them success in their work, they said that they are looking forward to the autumn photo shoot.