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Al-Farabi KazNU began work on providing places in the houses of students on the eve of a new academic year.
Every year, a specially created Commission, headed by Deans of faculties, makes a decision on accommodation in dormitories. It also includes representatives of student self-government bodies.
The tender commission distributes the seats taking into account the grounds and priority. These are persons with disabilities from the number of disabled people, orphans, Altyn Belgi holders; winners of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiads; as well as applicants who graduated with honors; and who are accepted to the first year in accordance with the state educational order, who have high score (140-125 points) based on the results of UNT or CT, entrance examinations in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by the organization; students from among seniors, who have high academic results (students with academic performance equivalent to the criteria «A» and «A-»; active participants of scientific and public work (student activists of KMO, coordinators of faculty student self-government offices, members of the law enforcement squad, students who have worked in the selection committee, activists of the Art Center, prize-winners and participants in the Olympic Games, winners of the World Universiade, World Championships, Asia, Universiade of Kazakhstan; foreign students studying under the contract and international exchange programs; students who came from other regions under the academic mobility program, as well as students-oralmans (who possess the citizen’s passport and certificate confirming the status of oralman).
For accommodation in the University dormitories, one must submit an application (freshmen to the selection committee, students of 2, 3, 4 courses fill out an online application through the UNIVER system). Based on the submitted applications, the faculty commission makes a decision on the settlement in the order of online priority.