Al-Farabi Kazakh National University celebrates the International Youth Day.
The international Youth Day founded by the United Nations General Assembly on December 17, 1999 is celebrated annually on August 12 all over the world. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is a global UNAI hub of the initiative of the UN “Academic influence” on sustainable development.
The year 2019 was announced “A Year of youth in Kazakhstan”. As for today complex support of the young generation is a priority of the state policy today. The main objectives refer to improving the access of the young to education, employment, affordable housing, development of business activity and increase in financial literacy
In the frame of the celebration of the Youth Day organizers declared a photo and the video competition “My vision of Sustainability” devoted to the festive date. The scope of competitive works can reflect the program of the SDG 17 directed to poverty eradication, preservation of resources of the planet and ensuring wellbeing as well as youth policy and its main aspects.
Deadline: October 1st
Results of competitions will be announced by October 24, 2019.